
Native Live On X1FM - July 17th

Native will be playing live tomorrow July 17th on San Diego's radio station X1FM it will be broadcast live at 7pm PST both video and audio online for any one anywhere in the world to watch - so Tune In and watch my little Rippers.

If you live in San Diego you can also go see it for real at the Radio station - it's free and all ages- first come first serve up to 100 people to watch in person.

2434 Southport Way, Ste. A
San Diego, CA 91950

"It lands somewhere between a pissed off Minus The Bear and a caged up Botch" - Surfing Magazine

"To me, this is creativity incarnate. I think it goes without saying that their new record is highly, highly anticipated."- Absolutepunk

"Native, is making noise even before their first full-length. Their self-released debut EP, We Delete; Erase, has been recently unleashed and their fresh, confident sound is filling their listeners with hope for some great things to come." - CMJ

"For a band just a little more than a year old, Native play with the confidence and prowess of a group of lifers." - Alternative Press

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