

Red Line Season is out there! the first song to be available from These Arms Are Snakes new album, Tail, Swallower & Dove is now posted on the TAAS myspace, and is available to download for a short time at AOL Spinner Sign up for the TAAS mailing list, and you will always be getting info first before it goes public.

Yes, the new record isn’t even out yet. But they are back in the studio laying down some new songs for some upcoming projects. One song will wind up on a split 7” to be released by our friends over at Vinyl Collective. Our side of the record is a cover by our favorite defunct garage/goth/new-wave band out of Memphis… Lost Sounds. We figure it’s a fitting nod to their guitarist/co-vocalist Alicja Trout, who was awesome enough to contribute backing vocals to our song “Red Line Season.” We opted to tackle a rendition of “Energy Drink and the Long Walk Home” of the Rat’s Brains and Microchips album. For the other side of the 7”, our good friends in Minus The Bear will contribute a cover of their own. Not sure what song they’ve picked, but I’m sure it’ll be mind-blowing.

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